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log in for order history
order history
sign up for order history
Store news

Order History? Yes, we have it!

Do you want to be able to see your order history?   We have this built in to our site.  You must have an account to view your order history.

How do I sign up? you ask - there are 2 ways.

1.  From the home screen, click "Log In" at the top menu, then click "Create account" under the "Sign in" button.  Fill out the form, click "Create" button.  At this point, you will receive an activation email at the email address you listed when creating your account.  Go to the activation email, click "Activate your account". You will be directed to the sign in or log in screen.  Log in and you're ready to go.

2.  Go to your cart, click "Checkout" button, at the top of the screen near the "Contact Information" is "Already have an account?  Log in.".  Click "Log in", click "Create account" under the "Sign in" button.  Fill out the form, click "Create" button.  At this point, you will receive an activation email at the email address you listed when creating your account.  Go to the activation email, click "Activate your account". You will be directed to the sign in or log in screen.  Log in and you're ready to go.

If you have any questions, issues, or need help, just give us a call at 1.470.422.7040 ext. 1 or email us.

Have a great day!

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